Tarlac Medical Center


X-ray is a painless test that produces images of the structures inside your body using a minimal amount of ionizing radiation. It serves as the first line of choice in radiologic diagnosis to be used in assessing and evaluating multiple pathologies including fractures, infections, malignancies, as well as congenital anatomic abnormalities.


Services Offered:
Routine Plain X-Ray Procedures:

  • Abdomen – to evaluate the patient for possible fecal retention, foreign body, bowel ileus, obstruction.
  • Babygram – radiographic examination for infant to check congenital anatomic abnormalities.
  • Chest/Lungs – routine medical exam to check the presence of chest infections, tuberculosis, and other pathologies of the chest.
  • Facial Bones – to evaluate facial fractures.
  • Hip and Pelvis – to look for arthropathies (joint diseases), fracture.
  • Lower Extremities – includes the ankle, foot, knee, leg, thigh, and toe.
  • Pelvimetry - To assess the effects of pelvimetry on the method of birth.
  • Rib Cage – to evaluate possible rib cage fracture.
  • Scoliosis Series – spine alignment analysis.
  • Sinuses – rules out acute or chronic sinusitis.
  • Skull – to assess anatomical structures of the skull and to evaluate possible fractures, inflammation, swelling, and tumor.
  • Upper Extremities – includes the arm, elbow, finger, forearm, hand, shoulder, and wrist.
  • Vertebral column – includes cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacrum, and coccyx/tailbone.


Special Radiographic Procedures (Contrast-Enhanced Examinations):

  • Barium Enema - a diagnostic test that allows physicians to examine the entirety of the large colon by tracking the flow of contrast material or barium solution through the lower intestinal tract. This is commonly done for patients with changes in bowel movements, abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, and blood in the stool.


  • Cystogram - a diagnostic test for the bladder for individuals with dysfunctional voiding, bladder outlet obstruction, hematuria, congenital anomalies of the genitourinary tract, postoperative evaluation of the urinary tract.


  • Esophagogram – the study of the esophagus for individuals with swallowing difficulty due to cancer, narrowing, ulcers, and other abnormalities which obstruct the movement of food into the stomach.


  • Hysterosalpingography – imaging test often requested for women of child-bearing age that enables doctors to identify problems of the female reproductive system.


  • Intra-operative Cholangiography – a special procedure of the biliary tract for individuals with pancreatitis, the liver function that’s higher than normal, several small gallstones, a wider-than-normal common bile duct or cystic duct, and bile duct stones.


  • Intravenous Pyelography – diagnostic procedure wherein a contrast material is injected into a blood vessel to highlight the kidneys and urinary tract to look for irregularities.


  • Retrograde Pyelography – imaging test of the kidneys, ureters, and urinary bladder for individuals who have a tumor, stone, blood clot, or strictures.


  • T-Tube Cholangiography – involves a dye or contrast media injected through a catheter attached to the surgical site to help in the visualization of bile ducts and gall bladder for calcific densities or gallstones.


  • Upper Gastrointestinal and Small Bowel Series – the study of the gastrointestinal tract: the esophagus, stomach, and small intestines; helps doctors track down the intestinal movement of food in the stomach, scarring or inflammation of the digestive tract, and other abnormalities that cause nausea, pain, and/or discomfort in the abdominal area.


  • Urethrogram – special radiographic examination of the urethra to individuals who have pelvic trauma, urethral strictures, urethral diverticula, urethral obstruction, suspected urethral foreign bodies, urethral mucosal tumors, suspected urethral fistula.